Cold Store

Cold stores present significant potential to reduce energy consumption by transferring to solar power.

By their nature cold stores are high-energy users, so by introducing solar as a source, this can present great opportunities to save on resources. In hotter months energy demands are at their highest, let’s work with you to design a system that matches your demand curve, capitalising on the savings stored battery energy can deliver in this too.

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Let’s talk about your energy future

We thrive on hunting for the right solution to meet the needs of our clients.

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Let us help you manage your costs

Cold store users have huge incentives to cut energy levels and thereby costs.

The amount of electrical energy consumed by cold storage naturally varies on the size of the facility, however, it is not unusual for costs relating to the refrigeration to be accountable for as much as 60-70% of the operating costs.

In a modern well-maintained cold store, cooling costs can be managed down through introducing solar power and battery storage, elongating lower tariff rates and presenting significant savings during 24/7 demands.


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aztec solar energy battery storage pv

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Let’s talk about your energy future

We thrive on hunting for the right solution to meet the needs of our clients.